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Shareware License Information

Shareware version notice

Help to RTF is not and has never been free software. You are permitted to evaluate it for a period not exceeding 30 days to determine its fitness, after which you must either register it or delete it.

The Help to RTF shareware evaluation archive may be freely redistributed as long as the original distribution archive is not altered. All components must be included and nothing may be added, altered or removed.

Differences between shareware version and registered editions

The shareware version limits the number of keywords extracted from helpfiles. There are no other functional differences between the shareware and registered versions.

Warranty of fitness

Help to RTF uses file access technologies which are neither documented nor supported by Microsoft, the developers of the Help, Multimedia Viewer and MediaView file formats. We cannot guarantee that the program will be able to convert every Help or Viewer file. It will not print or decompile helpfiles created using encryption technologies, decompile protection or RTF formatting techniques that are not supported by the Help compiler itself.

Help to RTF underwent rigorous pre-release testing prior to version 2.00, and has been considerably enhanced and improved since then. You should discover few if any problems or incompatibilities in this software. If you do manage to discover a file incompatible with Help to RTF, please send it to us for examination. If this file was not specifically engineered with protection against text extraction or decompilation, then we will attempt to insure that the next release of Help to RTF is capable of overcoming this incompatibility.

Registration and licensing options

Upon receipt of your registration for Help to RTF, you will be sent the most recent version of Help to RTF either on disk or by email. Your registered software will include a registration key that removes all registration reminders found in the shareware version of Help to RTF and enables complete extraction of keywords.

Your registered, licensed software may be used on only one computer per license. It is not redistributable unless you own a developers license (no longer available).

Your registration key will allow you to instantly register all updates to Version 2 distributions (V2.00 to 2.99 inclusive) of Help to RTF.

License Type



Single user license

permits Help to RTF to be used on one computer per license.

40 US $

Network license

Site license for use on any number of machines belonging to one domain in a network.

80 US $

Special licenses

Inquiries in regard to special licensing arrangements for operating systems or distribution requirements not listed above should be directed via fax, mail or Internet email to Herd Software Development.

Linux Versions

A command-line oriented Version of Help to RTF for linux is available for download from The Windows Version of Help to RTF is compatible to the free windows emulator WINE Version 990314 available from

Ask our support for more informations.

Contacting the developers

Send questions or orders to:


Herd Software Entwicklung  Order Form

Dipl. Ing. Bernd Herd

Kettelerstr. 35

68642 Bürstadt


Tel.: +49-6206-707775

Fax.: +49-6206-707776



Word wide Web:


Ordering only:
Public (software) Library (use the
order form)
