Herd Software Development
DaVinci Graphics Library
DaVinci Documentation
procedure PrintFormHighQuality(Form : PForm);
Delphi's TForm provides uses the Print method to print a form's contents. This might have been okay for dot matrix printers, but when you out a form in type of a screen photograph. The underlying technology limits the dump of graphics to the decomposition of the screen what usually leads to low print quality
uses Imag_Vcl; { ... } { Menu Item "Print" Selected. Well.. Let's do that. } procedure TMainForm.mnuFilePrintFormClick(Sender: TObject); begin { performs standard Delphi printing..usually prints Graphics in VERY low quality (96dpi) } { Print; } { Overwrite the image printed in the standard Delphi approach by a better-quality image } PrintFormHighQuality(@self); end;