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HTOPIC HlpTopicOpen(HIFS ifs, DWORD flags)

Opens the internal Help TOPIC-File and reads in and decompresses secondary Tables, like Phrases, Keywords etc. for later use in Enumeration by HlpTopicEnumerate

The returned Handle need to be freed by calling HlpTopicClose.

The HlpTopicEnumerate-Function does not stop enumeration until the application-defined Callback-Functions tells it to stop by returning Zero, or the end of the file is reached.


Return Value

The return Value will be NULL if the File cannot be opened, for example due to the fact that the IFS is not a Help-File.



Handle of the open internal file System returned by IFSOpen


Flag-Values that declare what data needs to be loaded (Keywords, Context-Strings...), combined with OR-Opertaor:


Load FONTS-Table, create font and color Table output on enumeration. The use of this flag is recommended


load Keywords-Table (all!) and enumerate keywords whith the text. loading keywords takes a reasonable amount of time and main memory. Do not set this flag if you do not need the keywords.


Loads CONTEXT-Table (all!) and enumerate Context Ids (#-Footnotes) whith the text. Loading takes a reasonable amount of time and main memory. Do not set this flag if you do not need the Context Id output.


HlpOpenTopic is a rather slow operation, so when enumerating multiple Topics it's a good idea to do them all using the same HTOPIC-Handle.

This effect is especially important when using HTO_xxxx flags to add keyword and context-String support, because they have to be loaded ALL and COMPLETELY.
