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10. Links

The following links point to other Linux-based NLM topics. Most of it will not help to develop C++ programs, just C.

http://www.tldp.org/HOWTO/NLM-HOWTO.html How to use the Linux ELF system compiler for limited NLM development. Also lists the commands for the linker definition files.
http://home.sch.bme.hu/~ keresztg/ novell/howto/NLM-Linux-HOWTO.html How to use the Linux ELF system compiler for limited NLM development.
http://www.tldp.org/HOWTO/NLM-HOWTO-2.html How to use the Linux ELF system compiler for limited NLM development. Also explaings how to mount Netware volumes from Linux using IPX (It can also be done with TCP/IP)
http://yes.feld.cvut.cz/pn/ How to use the Linux ELF system compiler for limited NLM development. How to compile apache for NLM using GCC. Also addresses Windows based NLM compilation.
http://www.openwatcom.org/ Open Source Watcom compiler is able to create C-Based NLMs. Note that according to Novell Documentations at http://developer.novell.com/ndk/doc/clib/index.html?page=/ndk/doc/clib/ndev_enu/data/a4s7v9j.html , Watcom does not work reliable to create C++ NLMs, even if they compile.
http://developer.novell.com/research/ appnotes/2002/november/06/apv.htm Novell background article with infos on porting open source C programs to Netware.
http://www.gknw.de/nwlinks.html Günter Knauf's Netware Links

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Herd Software Development, 28. March 2003, http://www.herdsoft.com/